Well, except for the last couple of months, when I got hit by a couple of big things that helped me not want to do anything at all.
Now I have a great opportunity to reboot my fiction writing. I'll be starting in January -- this month.
2017 wasn't a complete waste. I did complete and submit "The Last Actuary" in January. It didn't win any prizes, but at least one person liked it.
Including that submission, I submitted a total of 7 short stories in 2017, which is actually one better than I did in 2016.
"When Time Flows West" received Honorable Mention in the Writers of the Future contest (which should be announced more officially in the next few weeks). So, even if I didn't do too much writing, I still have this new feather in my cap.
General stats for 2017:
- 25 posts in this blog and total 69,456 views (up 9,075)
- The Mormon Mel: 2 new posts and total 2,168 views (up 592)
- The Music of Mel: 4 new posts and total 5,757 views (up 945)
- The Econo-Mel: 10 new posts and total 3,720 views (up 1,721)
- The Melkim Blog: 23 new posts
- YouTube videos: 1 new video, 482 subscribers, and total 348,918 views (up 21,529)
- I reviewed:
- 12 movies
- 12 TV shows
- 1 book
- My favorite posts of the year:
- Journal of an Eclipse: I detail our journeys down to Greenville, SC to visit a total solar eclipse
- Death's End -- Book Review: I review the last book of a really cool sci-fi trilogy
- Global Warming -- Bill Nye vs. Neil deGrasse Tyson: I get in a really good rant about people who can't be reasonable about global warming ... on both sides
For 2018, my goal is to reboot the writing machine. I'd be happy to meet a few reasonable goals rather than crazy audacious goals. So here we go:
- Novel writing:
- If I have enough funds, I will have "Justice" edited and then put out for sale on Amazon
- If no funds (most likely the case this year), I will finish the first draft of "Space Cadets"
- Short stories - complete 4:
- "The Jesse Flag" (flash fiction)
- "The Rainbow Flush" (flash fiction)
- "Godspring" (longer story)
- "Descendent History" (longer story)
- bonus: if I feel like it, work on another actuarial story
- 26 short story submissions
Good luck in your writing, and have a good 2018!
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