Friday, February 27, 2015

Actuarial Fiction 2015

Wouldn't you know it?  Actuaries are at it again -- predicting the future -- with fiction.

The Society of Actuaries puts on this event every odd year for actuaries to put forth their best effort in writing speculative fiction.  This year, I am one of 16 participants, and you can read all the stories here.

If you're interested in what actuaries think of this world, check it out and read these entertaining stories.  My own story looks to the past, way back, venturing to guess how the first actuary came into being.

Once you read all 16 stories, you can vote for your favorite three entries up until March 31 (look for the VOTE link at the linked website).

In another week or so, I'll present my mini-reviews of the other 15 stories.

Happy reading!

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